Saturday, December 13, 2008

2007 Hugh Hamilton Verdelho "The Trickster" Mclarenvale, Australia
The Black Sheep wines as they are called occasionally, include this vinous application of the PITA grape known as Verdelho. It's origins are from Madeira, Portugal where it's almost unforgivable acidity makes it a great candidate for fortification and long term ageability- the backbone for some Madeira's longevity. Not so Down Under! In Australia, this Verdelho can get wild on you with overly tropical mango and lychee flavors if the grower is not careful, for the acidity all but disappears when it begins to over- ripen. This little grape needs to be handled and harvested for ACID not SUGAR... get it? Indeed, this is oyster, scallop, shrimp, sharp cheese, salted nut, cut through the olive oil kind of white wine here. Racy? Snappy? This wine has the acidity to make a person drool and coo with pleasure. Think about verdant or citrusy things like lime, tarragon, chervil, meyer lemon, kiwi granita, orange, and white cranberries! More fun and refreshing than some New Zealand Sauv Blancs... 'nuff said.

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